Are you searching for recipes Mom's Sticky Chicken From 1972 , each of our site provides recipes Mom's Sticky Chicken From 1972 that a person need Listed below are the tested recipes Mom's Sticky Chicken From 1972 that will you need Mom's Sticky Chicken From 1972 My Mom always served this cold at our family picnics, but misplaced the recipe for over 40 years. She recently found it and shared it with me! Finally! This was my favorite food as a kid, and I have searched every recipe site, but haven't found it! So I am posting it here for YOU! I made this for a potluck thinking I would serve it cold as my childhood memories remember, but it was SOOOO good hot that I stuck it in my slow cooker to keep it warm throughout the potluck! Everyone asked for the recipe! It was a HIT! You can keep in a slow cooker on Warm/Low for 3 to 4 hours! Ingredients : 3 pounds cut-up chicken 1 tablespoon garlic salt, or to taste 2 eggs 2 cups cornstarch 1 quart vegetable oil for fryi...