Are you searching for recipes Coffee and Donuts Ice Cream , our own site provides recipes Coffee and Donuts Ice Cream that an individual need Listed here are the dishes Coffee and Donuts Ice Cream of which you need Coffee and Donuts Ice Cream "Frozen breakfast! Inspired by New York City donut shops. I've been making this for years, I can't believe one of the big companies hasn't made it yet." Ingredients : 4 marble crullers (fried twisted stick doughnuts) 1 cup milk 2 tablespoons instant coffee granules 2 eggs 3/4 cup white sugar 2 cups heavy cream Instructions : Prep : 30M Cook : 10M Ready in : 6H40M Crumble or chop the crullers into small pieces. Do not over chop into crumbs, but make a variety of piece sizes. Set the doughnut pieces aside. Gently heat the milk in a saucepan over low heat until hot but not boiling, and stir in the instant coffee granules until dissolved. Remove the milk mixture from the heat, and allow to cool. Place the...